Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's finally here!!!!

Hurray!!!! Yipee!! I cant believe it has finally come out. After years of hoping and praying, after countless release date changes, it is here. The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch has been released!

If you are unfamiliar with the drama that I am referring to, let me fill you in. The first book in the series by Scott Lynch, titled The Lies of Locke Lamora, was released in '06. It was fantastic and lots of people loved it. The sequel, Red Seas Under Red Skies, is released the next year. I personally read both in '08 when I got my Kindle. It was then announced that the 3rd one was on its way. And then they pushed the date back. A new date was set. And then they pushed it back. And then another date was set. And then they pushed that one back. I can remember at least 5 dates the publisher promised us that didn't work out. That's right 5 at the least. And now after 5 years of waiting, I finally get to read the next book in this fanastic series.* (And it is fabulous so go read it.)  So next time the Sherlock fandom complains that they have had to wait for the 3rd season for almost 2 years, tell them they know nothing of our pain.

*Note: This waiting should be not be seen as a criticism of the author. He had some personal problems to take care of and I'm glad he is working them out. It's mostly the publisher I am annoyed with. Don't promise something that you can't carry out.

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