Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's finally here!!!!

Hurray!!!! Yipee!! I cant believe it has finally come out. After years of hoping and praying, after countless release date changes, it is here. The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch has been released!

If you are unfamiliar with the drama that I am referring to, let me fill you in. The first book in the series by Scott Lynch, titled The Lies of Locke Lamora, was released in '06. It was fantastic and lots of people loved it. The sequel, Red Seas Under Red Skies, is released the next year. I personally read both in '08 when I got my Kindle. It was then announced that the 3rd one was on its way. And then they pushed the date back. A new date was set. And then they pushed it back. And then another date was set. And then they pushed that one back. I can remember at least 5 dates the publisher promised us that didn't work out. That's right 5 at the least. And now after 5 years of waiting, I finally get to read the next book in this fanastic series.* (And it is fabulous so go read it.)  So next time the Sherlock fandom complains that they have had to wait for the 3rd season for almost 2 years, tell them they know nothing of our pain.

*Note: This waiting should be not be seen as a criticism of the author. He had some personal problems to take care of and I'm glad he is working them out. It's mostly the publisher I am annoyed with. Don't promise something that you can't carry out.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Currently Reading

There may come a day that I might actually give an overview/reactions of things I've read. But, it is not this day. Here's a list of books currently being read.

Clash of Kings: I have been reading this forever now but I keep getting distracted. I think I am 3/4 of the way done so hopefully I will finish sometime this month.

The Accursed: Started this during the read-a-thon, no more progress yet.

Ireland: A History: Been reading off and on for more than a year, a nice overview of Irish history.

The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow: About to start, sounds promising. Basically, set in 1950's New Orleans and about a mute boy with fantastic hearing "who can hear flowers grow, a thousand shades of blue, and the miniature tempests that rage inside raindrops. He can also hear the gentle voice of his father, William Arrow, shot dead before Bonaventure was born by a mysterious stranger known only as the Wanderer."-taken from Goodreads


Start Here Vol. 2

The people over at Book Riot  put out a book Start Here Vol. 1, and it helps you decide where to start reading an author that you haven't managed to get around to like Margret Atwood and Jane Austen. (Full list on the page on Amazon).

Now, they are writing the sequel and they are trying to get funding for the project on Kickstarter. Funding ends soon and they aren't quite there yet. So, please check out the page and donate if you think it sounds awesome. Because it is. $5 donation gets you an ebook copy delivered so its really more like pre-ordering!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


   A couple of weeks ago I read this article about bookshelves organization, and I got to thinking about my shelves. The system I currently use, that I came up with a few years ago, organizes my books by favorites. For example, my Harry Potter books get their own shelf on my main bookcase with all my other top favorites, my second favorites on the other bookcase, and so on.
 Fast forward a couple of years and a couple of moves (don't really like to talk about that nightmare but at one point we did live above a stripper who had the squeakiest bed ever) and I put my books in the same order just so I could remember where they were.  (And yes I mean exactly the same order. I don't have a photographic memory but I tend to remember stuff that I see repeatedly. I am the type of person who could have a messy room and still know where everything is.) But of course now I have completely different favorites and many more new books. So the question is should I reorganize, and if so how should I do it?

 If I do, I would probably stick with the favorites system since I like it and it's different than other peoples. Alphabetical is just boring and no fun and genre sorting wouldn't help since I own tons of fantasy and books that I consider multiple genres. I guess the question then becomes which books do I feel are my favorites now and do I still love the others on the main bookcase. And if I pick my favorites, won't I just have to do this again in a year or two?  I guess I just slightly obsess over it considering I love my books and I would hate to have to re-do it all if I mess up. I'm off all weekend so if I ever get around to it I'll update on what I do.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The End is Upon Us...Or me at least

It's time for me to throw in the towel. Words are starting to blur. Overall, this read-a-thon went better than last time but I still hope to do much better next time. Here's to an awesome October and come back soon and I will try to post short blurbs about my thoughts on the things I read.

Books finished: 1 -Crimson Warning by Tasha Alexander
Books Read: Clash of Kings, glanced at My Ideal Bookshelf, started The Accursed (way to detailed to read this late at night), and started Girl's Guide to Love and Supper Clubs.
Challenges: Only 1 I think

Yet Another Update

One book done! And I am seriously contemplating a nap but I will try to tough it out.

Books read-1 total, 100 pages of Clash of Kings, and flipped through My Ideal Bookshelf to-be read later
Snacks Eaten: I had a some grilled cheese and fries that were delicious
Breaks Taken:Quite a few-trip to library, work, and to watch Doctor Who

Back to Reading

Home from work, which was boring as always(that's what I get for working retail) and I managed to get a few pages in on my break. Of course then I had to watch Doctor Who. Which was fantastic by the way. Don't you love that we got to see some of the stuff in the Tardis that they frequently mention like the pool or the library? I would run away with the Doctor just to see that library.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Update Again

My trip to the library went well, I picked up a few good books that I might add to my list today. Reading has to stop for a while now, work is waiting. Will be back in a few hours so don't have too much fun without me!

Time for an Update

So after waking up late I have made some decent progress. 100 pages of Clash of Kings done and I started Crimson Warning. No meme participation yet and just some tasty frozen waffles eaten. Time to head to the library!

The Starting Line

I love when it is time for another Read-a-thon! I have a feeling I won't get too much done since I have to work later and I am off to a little bit of a late start, but we will see how it goes. I have a short list this time because I procrastinated and didn't get my requests in at the library soon enough. Hopefully, I will have some books in when I take a trip there in a few hours.

To read list:
-Clash of Kings: George R.R. Martin-I am about halfway through so hoping to make some good progress.
-The Stockholm Octavo-Karen Englemann
-A Crimson Warning-Tasha Alexander-one of my favorite series for read-a-thons
-Royal Flush-Rhys Bowen
-The Accursed-Joyce Carol Oates

Opening Meme Questions:

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?-The lovely Ohio
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?-probably The Accursed
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?-I never remember to plan out my snacks 
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!-I started knitting in September and one of the first things I made was a scarf similar to the ones in Harry Potter. Ultimate Goal is to one day make a Weasley sweater.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? -I will follow the same strategy that I have for the last couple read-a-thons, switch books when getting bored/tired, and take a few breaks.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

So it's been awhile...

I seem to only blog when it is time for a read-a-thon. I wonder why that is. Most likely, it's because I over think what to write and then procrastinate and don't actually get anything done (pretty much like I do with everything else in my life).

Unfortunately, my luck has run out and I have to work Saturday the 27th the day of the read-a-thon, which is what I get working retail. But, I will still try to read as much as possible and will even bring a book to work to read on break. I might post a rough list of possible reads at some point, and I may even write some other posts. Miracles do happen.